Parent Teacher Conferences

Good Morning, Afternoon and Evening to all parents and scholars As you know the First Parent Teacher conference of the School Year will be happening November 17th from 5pm to 8pm and November 18th from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. We have sent home mail of the links to use to sign up for the teachers meetings for those days as well as sent emails and texts with the links. However if you have not received the links or want to get them a little early to set up appointment times Feel free to Reach out to
Parent Coordinator Ms Nieves at [email protected]
9th and 10th Grade Councilor Ms. Santiago [email protected]
11th and 12th Grade Councilor Mr Millien [email protected] 
If your unable to meet on the two days specificed above feel free to also contact your Scholar's councilors to schedule a meeting with teachers on a date that can more fit into your schedule We thank everyone able to make it to these conferences.